Getting a divorce is not only emotionally draining, but it also means you will need to learn about managing your financial lifestyle as a single person. For many people who have relied on their spouse to handle the financial decisions, this can be challenging. However, it is not as daunting of a task as you may think.
Georgia Program Helps Jailed Dads Become Better Parents
There is a lot of talk these days about "deadbeat dads" - fathers who, for whatever reason, don't see their kids or keep up with their child support payments.
Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets in Divorce?
Divorce is sometimes accompanied with great passion and emotion, with one or both spouses not wanting to compromise on the division of marital property. Some spouses even go to great lengths to hide money in an attempt to keep the other party from getting his or her equitable share.
Three Principles for a Successful Georgia Divorce
Every Georgia divorce is different. In some cases, the couple has experienced significant relationship trauma and the partners are poised for a fight. In others, the couple has simply come to the understanding that the marriage will no longer work. They want to resolve any outstanding legal and financial issues as quickly and as amicably as possible.
Alimony Laws May be Changed to Reflect Cohabitation
For many Georgia couples, divorce can be a difficult process. Alimony can make the process even more uncomfortable, especially since laws haven't kept up with changing social standards.