Divorce is an unfortunate situation, but it is made more difficult when children are involved. Regardless of the custody situation that is worked out between the parents, they are both responsible for continuing to financially support their children.
Divorcing couples should know property division responsibilities
Many complex situations and decisions may arise when a couple gets divorced. One such decision is the dividing of property between the parties. The distribution is based on the laws of the state, the classification of the property and the marriage itself, among other factors.
Wife of Big Boi files for divorce, requests alimony
The income of spouses in Georgia can be dramatically different for a number of reasons. One spouse may postpone or forgo a career to raise children or take a part-time job that provides greater flexibility. When a couple divorces, this difference in income can have a serious detrimental impact on the lower-income spouse. The law provides mechanisms, however, for mitigating this effect.
¿Cómo afecta el estatus de inmigración su caso de la custodia del niño?
Si usted está ilegalmente en el país, su estado de inmigración tiene numerosos efectos sobre su caso de la custodia del niño. Por ejemplo, su esposo probablemente será capaz de señalar a la corte que usted no es elegible para una licencia de conducir y por lo tanto no puede proporcionar transportación confiable para sus hijos. Entre otras cosas, su esposo también puede ser capaz de señalar que la amenaza de la deportación no ofrece un entorno estable para sus hijos.
State considers bill to change child custody presumption
The state legislature in Nebraska will soon be considering a bill seeking to modify an existing law concerning parental rights. Although this bill is being considered in that state, Georgia may see similar discussions and proposals in the future. Under the existing law, judges in divorce cases must consider the best interests of the child in determining custody.