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The Difference Between an Uncontested and Contested Divorce

When you are faced with the possibility of divorce, it is important to know that there are two types of divorces: contested and uncontested.

An uncontested divorce means that you and your spouse agree on all terms of your divorce and have come to an agreement. If you have children, you have agreed on custody and visitation. You have agreed on who will pay child support to whom and how much. You have also agreed on all of the financial issues: how property and bank accounts will be divided, as well as who is going to pay any debts you may have.

Uncontested divorces are usually much less expensive and much faster for an attorney to prepare. Usually, but not always, the lawyers at the firm of Daniels & Taylor are able to charge a flat fee for an uncontested divorce. Please note, however, that if you and your spouse disagree on just one term - you do not have an uncontested divorce.

On the other hand, a contested divorce means that you and your spouse do not agree on at least one issue in your divorce, maybe more. Contested divorces are generally more expensive, and take more time to complete. There is a greater likelihood that you will have to appear in court. Also, the lawyers at the firm of Daniels & Taylor will usually request a retainer and charge an hourly rate for this type of divorce, instead of a flat fee.

If you have any questions regarding the type of divorce that you would be eligible for, please call Attorney Elena Quinde at 770-962-4070 to schedule your initial consult at no charge. She speaks Spanish.

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