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Rights and duties of non-custodial parents in Georgia

Children are the happiest when they live in a safe environment. Ideally, they would want the company of both parents in this environment, but that may not always be possible. Divorce is a reality with which many Americans are grappling. According to statistics, nearly half of first marriages in the United States end in divorce. So how do northeast Georgia parents decide child custody issues? There are many child custody questions to which there are no single answers.

What if a spouse wants to pay child support through the child support office? There are instances when a divorced parent does not want to pay child support directly to a former spouse. If the child support order does not specify that a person needs to pay a custodial parent directly, then this arrangement is possible. A provision is available where income is withheld from a non-custodial parent's wages unless the court decides to address payment another way in the child custody or support order.

Instances have also been found where a parent is not able to locate a child living with a custodial parent. A parent can help locate a missing child through the Federal Parent Locator Service, which is used for child custody cases. In some of these cases, a custodial parent may hide the child in violation of a visitation order. A request for information about a child must come from a state child support agency. States may collect processing fees from the parent in order to locate a missing child.

A child custody order is also subject to change if parental circumstances change drastically. While many times the Title IV-D agency that enforces child support for the state cannot handle custody cases itself, it may be able to point a non-custodial parent to resources available to him or her. That parent may also wish to consider consulting an experienced family law attorney.


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