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Child Custody Archives

Which Court has Jurisdiction when a Child Custody Case Crosses a State Line?

Child custody cases can be difficult enough when both parents live in the same state, but when two states are involved, determining which state’s court has jurisdiction (the power to resolve a dispute) can make a difficult situation worse.  Usually, parties are already in dispute over the custody issue itself, so adding the issue of where to resolve the custody dispute creates yet another dispute.  However, most states, including Georgia, have adopted...

Keyshia Cole and Daniel Gibson to divorce, co-parent son

Parents involved in child custody determinations may at times lose sight of what is most important. They may attempt to use their children as pawns to hurt their former spouse, rather than seek what is in their child's best interests. When parents work together in determining custody they can make the process go much smoother and create the best arrangement for their children.

Husband of TV host seeks full custody of child in divorce

Parents involved in the divorce process often request a child custody agreement that is motivated by their own self-interests, such as hurting their former spouse or receiving the highest amount of child support possible. Parents should instead seek an agreement that is in the best interests of their children.

Bode Miller child custody case stretches on

Every instance of a child custody dispute can be a heartbreaking and very difficult affair. Georgia parents understandably want the best for their children, and having a decision declared that sometimes goes against what one parent feels is right can throw a family into chaos. However, when the couple in question includes a celebrity, the usually intimate child custody situation gets thrust into the public eye.

The difficulties of a long-distance custody agreement

Atlanta can be a great place to live, but sometimes people want or need to move away, for a job offer, an educational opportunity, a new love or just for a change of scenery. For many people, moving requires little more than packing and renting a truck. For parents who are sharing custody of a child, things are a lot harder.

Actress Hilary Duff and husband agree to joint custody

When determining child custody, parents at times may battle with each other to to gain more acces to their child. Although each parent may have their own feelings about the best custody arrangement for their child, they must keep in mind that the arrangement must meet the best interests of the child.

Parent's custody rights impacted by social media activities

Parents often find that agreeing on or determining child custody is the most stressful part of a divorce. Although they have their own opinions about what the best scenario would be, they must understand that the agreement is meant to meet the best interests of their child and that they should work with their former spouse to make the arrangement work as well as possible.

Man may lose custody over refusal to take son to McDonald's

The determination of child custody can be very emotional and is considered by most Georgia parents as the most important decision to be made in a divorce proceeding. If circumstances change after an original custody order has been made, either party may seek a modification of the order if they feel that it is necessary.

¿Cómo afecta el estatus de inmigración su caso de la custodia del niño?

Si usted está ilegalmente en el país, su estado de inmigración tiene numerosos efectos sobre su caso de la custodia del niño. Por ejemplo, su esposo probablemente será capaz de señalar a la corte que usted no es elegible para una licencia de conducir y por lo tanto no puede proporcionar transportación confiable para sus hijos. Entre otras cosas, su esposo también puede ser capaz de señalar que la amenaza de la deportación no ofrece un entorno estable para sus hijos.

State considers bill to change child custody presumption

The state legislature in Nebraska will soon be considering a bill seeking to modify an existing law concerning parental rights. Although this bill is being considered in that state, Georgia may see similar discussions and proposals in the future. Under the existing law, judges in divorce cases must consider the best interests of the child in determining custody.

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